Introductions Spring 2024
Can't Miss It (Stewart, '24)

3 branches, 13 buds, 2.87" E., 32", dip, med orange, red band, lighter ruffled tepal edges, green-yellow throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Coolth (Stewart, '24)

2 branches, 11 buds, 6" E., 32", dip, near white pinched crispate. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Little Lisa Wasn't Adopted (Stewart, '24)

4 branches, 16 buds, 2.75" E., 22", dip, dark rose, black-rose band, yellow-green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Mayor's Morsel (Stewart, '24)

4 branches, 13 buds, 2.97" E., 29", dip, near white, deep rose notched band, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Method Actor (Stewart, '24)

7 branches, 32 buds, 5", E., 45", dip, rose pink, lighter tepal edges, dark rose band. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Minnow (Stewart, '24)

3 branches, 12 buds, 3.5" E., 31", dip, yellow, narrow maroon-red eye. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Miriam's Magic (Stewart, '24)

3 branches, 16 buds, 8" EM., 40", dip, red, yellow throat, ribs and tepal edges, slight petal ruffle. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Miss Eaton (Stewart, '24)

3 branches, 11 buds, 3.25" EM., 20", dip, purple reverse bitone, dark purple band, large green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Robert's Red Robin (Stewart, '24)

4 branches, 16 buds, 4.5" M., 38", dip, red titone, white tepal ribs, and edges. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Wholehearted (Stewart, '24)

4 branches, 18 buds, 3.75" E., 41", dip, rose pink, dark purple-rose band, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Introductions Spring 2023
Cautionary Tale (Stewart, '23)

4 branches, 15 buds, 3.25" E., 22", dip, medium yellow, dark black eye, sm green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Ethel's Housedress (Stewart, '23)

3 branches, 13 buds, 6.25" M., 28", dip, rose purple bitone, small green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Foresight (Stewart, '23)

3 branches, 21 buds, 3" M., 26", dip, saturated yellow with huge red band, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Little Brown Bug (Stewart, '23)

3 branches, 12 buds, 3" E., 31", dip, tan bitone, rib, brown band, large y-gr throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Litzy (Stewart, '23)

3 branches, 12 buds, 3.47", EM., 30", dip, saturated yellow, red eye. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Maggie Mosteller (Stewart, '23)

2 branches, 12 buds, 6" EM., 41", dip, light rose pink, lighter rose WM, lg. green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Merry Mulberry (Stewart, '23)

2 branches, 11 buds, 3.25" M., 34", dip, white, large saturated purple eye, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Myrtle's Sister Bertha (Stewart, '23)

3 branches, 15 buds, 7" ML., 39", dip, dark purple, darker band, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Picking Locks (Stewart, '23)

2 branches, 9 buds, 5" M., 28", dip, saturated purple, white ribs on tepals, ext. green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Pumpkin Spice Mania (Stewart, '23)

4 branches, 18 buds, 6" EM., 41", dip, light pumpkin, red plicata coloring. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Salsa Rita (Stewart, '23)

3 branches, 26 buds, 3" E., 31", dip, dark red, darker band, y-gr throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Smoked Pink (Stewart, '23)

4 branches, 11 buds, 2.5" E., 26", dip, smoky pink-tan, maroon band, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Turn Left Right Here (Stewart, '23)

5 branches, 19 buds, 4.75" E., 45", dip, pinched crispate, pale yellow self, raised midribs. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Twisted Kites (Stewart, '23)

5 branches, 19 buds, 3" E., 23", dip, yellow self, recurved sepals, twisted petals. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Introductions Spring 2022
Wollaton (Stewart, '22)

4 branches, 16 buds, spatulate, 5.5" E., 31", dip, rose mauve, darker band and veins, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Tufo (Stewart, '22)

3 branches, 14 buds, UF crispate/cascade 4.5" E., 33", dip, saturated yellow self. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Wallace (Stewart, '22)

4 branches, 19 buds, 7.25" E., 40", dip, rose, white midribs, faint darker band, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Apalachee (Stewart, '22)

5 branches, 33 buds, 7" M., 42", dip, saturated rose plum, white edges, raised midribs, large green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Sugar and Caffeine (Stewart, '22)

3 branches, 24 buds, 4", E., 31", dip, saturated rose orange, can have areas of darker pigmentation dark rose band, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Side Effects (Stewart, '22)

3 branches, 25 buds, 4.25" E., 40", dip, range, lighter tepal edges, red band, large yellow throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Mary the Menace (Stewart, '22)

3 branches, 18 buds, 6" M., 35", dip, purple reverse bitone, darker band, white petal edges, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Sara Says (Stewart, '22)

3 branches, 12 buds, 5.75" L., 39", dip, pale yellow-pink bitone, rouged pink edges, darker band, green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Fire Melon (Stewart, '22)

5 branches, 14 buds, 4.75" EM., 31", dip, sunset orange mauve with darker eye, extended star-shaped green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Chin Up (Stewart, '22)

4 branches, 20 buds, 5" E., 37", dip, light cherry red, darker center, lighter edge, large star shaped yellow-green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Ashford Manor (Stewart, '22)

4 branches, 17 buds, 4.5" L., 34", dip, deep purple rose bitone, extra large green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Libby MacKenzie (Stewart, '22)

5 branches, 18 buds, 5" EM., 26", dip, deep pink bitone, white midribs on petals, light tepal edgs, vibrant green throat. $100 Dbl. Fan.
Introductions Spring 2021
Act Normal (Stewart, '21)

3 branches, 16 buds, 7" ML, 52", dip, warm purple, white petal ribs, large yellow-green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Ancaster (Stewart, '21)

3 branches, 16 buds, 7" L., 52", dip, rosy-pink, darker band, green-yellow throat, raided lighter rib on tepals. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Attention Span (Stewart, '21)

3 branches, 16 buds, 6" ML, 35", dip, pale yellow with notched maroon band, vibrant green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Ballot Box (Stewart, '21)

7 branches, 36 buds, 7" L., 48", dip, warm shrimp pink, cherry band, lighter petal ribs, extended green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Beeston (Stewart, '21)

6 branches, 30 buds, 4" ML, 40", dip, orange bitone, darker orange veins and halo, yellow-green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Belgian (Stewart, '21)

4 branches, 15 buds, 4" L., 40", dip, pale lilac reverse bitone with burgundy eye and ext green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Better Than Cake (Stewart, '21)

6 branches, 30 buds, 4" ML, 40", dip, orange bitone, darker orange veins and halo, yellow-green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Black Mascara (Stewart, '21)

2 branches, 10 buds, 6" L., 39", dip, dark purple, darker band, striking green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Butterclouds (Stewart, '21)

5 branches, 33 buds, 4" ML, 46", dip, butter yellow self, tiny green heart. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Extension Ladder (Stewart, '21)

7 branches, 27 buds, 7" L., 48", dip, saturated yellow-gold, recessed rib, ruffled tepals, small green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Georgia Network (Stewart, '21)

3 branches, 15 buds, 6" ML, 35", dip, pale brown, with pronounced maroon veins, and white rib, lighter edges and green-yellow throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Leith Walk (Stewart, '21)

3 branches, 15 buds, 7" L., 47", dip, pale yellow self, tiny green heart. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Livingston (Stewart, '21)

4 branches, 11 buds, 5" ML, 40", dip, yellow-gold spatulate self with hooked sepals. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Moon Over Watkinsville (Stewart, '21)

2 branches, 10 buds, 5" L., 40", dip, yellow near white UF cascade, yellow-green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Rah Rah (Stewart, '21)

4 branches, 17 buds, 5" ML, 30", dip, red and yellow bicolor, stippled edges on sepals, gold-green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Stilts (Stewart, '21)

4 branches, 15 buds, 6" L., 56", dip, light yellow with lighter rib on tepals, tiny green heart. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Sun Over Watkinsville (Stewart, '21)

2 branches, 10 buds, 6" ML, 56", dip, saturated yellow-gold cascade, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Truth Serum (Stewart, '21)

3 branches, 19 buds, 8" L., 50", dip, purple self, darker veins on petals, extended white-green throat on tepals. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Watkinsville Sunshine (Stewart, '21)

4 branches, 18 buds, 6" ML, 47", dip, yellow, tiny green heart. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Introductions Spring 2020
For Lorie (Stewart, '20)

5 branches, 35 buds, 5.5" L, 46", dip, red bitone, yellow throat and rib. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Oconee's Last Man (Stewart, '20)

3 branches, 21 buds, 7" L., 50", dip, lilac-pink tepals with lighter midribs, maroon eye, lighter tepal edgres, large green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Pisa with Brian (Stewart, '20)

3 branches, 16 buds, 5", L., 50", dip, cream rouged paprika, very pointed petals, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Red Neck Juice (Stewart, '19)

4 branches, 25 buds, 4.8" L., 36", dip, orange, darker veins and chev band, gold thr, yellow raised ribs. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Snow Castles (Stewart, '20)

3 branches, 19 buds, 6.3" ML., 36, dip, near white UF cascade, ruffled petals, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
St. Vincent Street (Stewart, '20)

3 branches, 24 buds, 7", ML., 39, dip, rose pink, maroon band-eye, yellow green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Yellow Profusion (Stewart, '20)

3 branches, 15 buds., 5" M., 41", dip, pale yellow self, small green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Introductions Spring 2019
Gloaming Mist (Stewart, '19)

5 branches, 15 buds, 3.75", Late 40", dip, light purple-lilac with darker veins, watermark on petals, large green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Gloaming Mist (Stewart, '19)

5 branches, 15 buds, 3.75", Late 40", dip, light purple-lilac with darker veins, watermark on petals, large green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Golden Chimp (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 14 buds, 5", ML, 35" dip., clear sat. gold, lt gold rib, tiny green heart, ruffled tepals. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Golden Chimp (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 14 buds, 5", ML, 35" dip., clear sat. gold, lt gold rib, tiny green heart, ruffled tepals. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Miss Gracie's Girl (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 16 buds, 5.75" Late, 34", dip, light purple bitone, strong white rib, triang WM, gr-yel eye, may recurve. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Miss Gracie's Girl (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 16 buds, 5.75" Late, 34", dip, light purple bitone, strong white rib, triang WM, gr-yel eye, may recurve. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Myrtle's Black Mink (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 15 buds., 5.5" EM, 30", dip., Holly Dancer kid, velvety black-purple, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Myrtle's Black Mink (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 15 buds., 5.5" EM, 30", dip., Holly Dancer kid, velvety black-purple, green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Oconee Easter Bonnet (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 13 buds., 6.5", M., 43", dip, clear lilac petals, watermark with slight blue edge, lightly ruffled, green throat, veins.
$75 Dbl. Fan.
Pistachio Mint Kiss (Stewart, '19)

2 branches, 10 buds, 6.5", ML, 38-41", dip, pale yellow near white, extended green throat, ruffled petals. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Rose Pink Profusion (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 23 buds, 4", Late, 46", dip, dusty rose, darker dusty rose eye, green to yellow throat, green-white ribs. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Rose Pink Profusion (Stewart, '19)

3 branches, 23 buds, 4", Late, 46", dip, dusty rose, darker dusty rose eye, green to yellow throat, green-white ribs. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Rose Smash (Stewart, '19)

4 branches, 17 buds., 6" M, 32", dip, rose self, darker rose eye, light rose rib, yellow to green throat, ruffled. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Rose Smash (Stewart, '19)

4 branches, 17 buds., 6" M, 32", dip, rose self, darker rose eye, light rose rib, yellow to green throat, ruffled. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Sun Watcher (Stewart, '19)

4 branches, 20 buds., 5", ML, 38", dip, Clear Yellow, Ruffled petal edge, small green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Sun Watcher (Stewart, '19)

4 branches, 20 buds., 5", ML, 38", dip, Clear Yellow, Ruffled petal edge, small green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Susan's Hester (Stewart, '19)

5 branches., 25 buds., 6", ML, 33", dip, Veined rose purple, green-yellow throat, slight rib. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Susan's Hester (Stewart, '19)

5 branches., 25 buds., 6", ML, 33", dip, Veined rose purple, green-yellow throat, slight rib. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Tartan Dress (Stewart, '19)

2 branches., 12 buds., 4.5", Late, 38", dip, a ruddy bitone red, veins on petals, slightly ruffled over a green gold throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Tartan Dress (Stewart, '19)

2 branches., 12 buds., 4.5", Late, 38", dip, a ruddy bitone red, veins on petals, slightly ruffled over a green gold throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Watkinsville Charm School (Stewart, '19)

7 branches, 32 buds, 4.5", EM, 42", dip, clear yellow, twist on sepals, slight raised rib, tiny green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Watkinsville Charm School (Stewart, '19)

7 branches, 32 buds, 4.5", EM, 42", dip, clear yellow, twist on sepals, slight raised rib, tiny green throat. $75 Dbl. Fan.
Introductions Spring 2017
Air Kiss (Stewart, '17)

dip 32” M 4.5” budcount 31 branching 5 $50 Dbl. Fan
Balmaha (Stewart, '17)

dip 42” L 5.0” budcount 20 branching 4 $50 Dbl. Fan.
Campfire Chocolate (Stewart, '17)

dip-33” M 5.75” budcount 14 branching 3 $50 Dbl. Fan
Claire's Eyelashes (Stewart, '17)

dip 42” EM 4” budcount 15 branching 3$50 Dbl. Fan.
Canteloupe Queen (Stewart, '17)

dip 36” EM 5.75” budcount 18 branching 2 $50 Dbl. Fan
Canteloupe Queen (Stewart, '17)

dip 36” EM 5.75” budcount 18 branching 2 $50 Dbl. Fan
Grape Smash (Stewart, '17)

dip 34” M 5.0” budcount 36 branching 6 $50 Dbl. Fan
Green Eyeballs (Stewart, '17)

dip 34” M 5.0” budcount 36 branching 6 $50 Dbl. Fan
Harriman Hen (Stewart, '17)

dip 38” EM 4.5” budcount 26 branching 6 $50 Dbl. Fan
Lomond Lass (Stewart, '17)

dip 28” ML 2.75” budcount 10 branching 2 $50 Dbl. Fan
Loch Lomond Lullaby (Stewart, '17)

dip 32” M 4.0 budcount 22 branching 4 $50 Dbl. Fan
Loch Lomond Lullaby (Stewart, '17)

dip 32” M 4.0 budcount 22 branching 4 $50 Dbl. Fan
Maid of the Loch (Stewart, '17)

dip 40” L 4.5” budcount 25 branching 6 $50 Dbl. Fan
Oconee Woman (Stewart, '17)

dip 33” EM 3.75” budcount 16 branching 4 $50 Dbl. Fan
Rosie's Red (Stewart, '17)

dip 32” ML 6.0” budcount 22 branching 4 $50 Dbl. Fan
Rosie's Red (Stewart, '17)

dip 32” ML 6.0” budcount 22 branching 4 $50 Dbl. Fan
St. Stephens Church (Stewart, '17)

dip 53” ML 4.75 budcount 30 branching 5 $50 Dbl. Fan
St. Stephens Church (Stewart, '17)

dip 53” ML 4.75 budcount 30 branching 5 $50 Dbl. Fan
Introductions 2012
*Mirrored Reflection (Stewart, 2012)

28" scape, 6 - 6.25" flower, Dormant, 3 way branching, 22 buds. This heavy substanced, soft-flesh-pink flower with heavy ruffling and a 1/4" gold edge is our first introduction. An extremely dark green center with a large applique gold throat has sculpting stretching half way out on the petals, branching out from the midribs. $30 Dbl. Fan Tetraploid
*Mirrored Reflection (Stewart, 2012)

28" scape, 6 - 6.25" flower, Dormant, 3 way branching, 22 buds. This heavy substanced, soft-flesh-pink flower with heavy ruffling and a 1/4" gold edge is our first introduction. An extremely dark green center with a large applique gold throat has sculpting stretching half way out on the petals, branching out from the midribs. $30 Dbl. Fan Tetraploid
Notice Me (Stewart, 2012)

40" scape, 6.5" flower, bud count 18, 3 way branching, Dormant, Diploid. This narrow petaled, bicolor, spidery daylily is nicely ruffled along the petal edges with a small wire gold edge. The reddish-orange petals are have striking orange-yellow midribs with a darker red eyezone. Nicely branched boasting a bud count of 18 on a full dormant. $30 Dbl.
Notice Me (Stewart, 2012)

40" scape, 6.5" flower, bud count 18, 3 way branching, Dormant, Diploid. This narrow petaled, bicolor, spidery daylily is nicely ruffled along the petal edges with a small wire gold edge. The reddish-orange petals are have striking orange-yellow midribs with a darker red eyezone. Nicely branched boasting a bud count of 18 on a full dormant. $30 Dbl.